Five riders left the VM parking lot promptly at 17:30. This was our last after work group ride of the season due to the time change this coming weekend. The weather was beautiful, but a chill was in the air when riding through the shadows.
This is a more hilly route then we often ride, but nice for a change. There were no mishaps to report. A few attacks from dogs kept us alert and the fire engine belching black exhaust made us remember how lucky we are to be able to ride where we don't encounter that very often.
We rode a little faster than a leisurely pace to ensure we got back before sunset. Goodbye evening rides. Here's looking forward to next year!
Route Description:
Climbs south out of Collegedale on University Drive staying east of White Oak Mountain before descending gently on East Brainerd through Rhinehart Valley nearly to the Georgia state line.
London Lane heads east and parallels the Georgia state line skirting Baker Ridge and climbing through Jones Ridge.
The short distance on McGee Road includes another short, but steep, climb up the southern end of Pine Hill Ridge. The climbing continues on Red Clay Road up Whites Cut Ridge just after passing under the railroad.
Lead Mine Valley and Weatherly Switch roll through Dry Valley and Maroon Valley keeping west of Lead Mine Ridge.
Lebanon Valley Road then climbs out of Maroon Valley and over Lebanon Ridge. Tunnel Hill rolls for a short distance before the turn onto California, which includes another climb, descent and climb to Candies Creek Road.
The rest of the route stays east of Pine Hill ridge before turning on Apison Pike, crossing Pine Hill Ridge and descending into Collegedale.
Ride Details:
Distance: 26.7, Climb: 1802, Time: 1:32:25, Average: 17.5
Temp: 72-65, Wind: NNE 17, Clouds: Partly Cloudy, Humidity: 50-60%
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